Thursday, March 8, 2012

A little dip into my mind tonight...

Going to mass tonight was such a good decision. That's all I really wanna say right now. I haven't been to daily mass very much this semester because I'd always say I was too tired or had to much homework or I had something going on... Well tonight I went, and it was well worth it. I didn't know how much I missed it... not only being there with God but being there with such a wonderful community of people striving for grace. I've missed all of that and I'm sad that I've let myself drift away... well I'm coming back now. I need to make God a bigger part of my life again. He's been calling me for awhile now, It's time that I actually answer.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

VENTING... kinda.

It's been a stressful few weeks.

Lots of projects, the constant struggle I have with drawing, and I've been sick which left my a little bit behind coming into this week...

I'm sitting in art history right now, and just can't get myself to focus. All I really want is sleep and to see my best friend... And to pray. But I want to feel like I have the time to pray. I feel like I don't even have time to recover from being sick, or even to breathe.

I just feel like I'm struggling with a lot right now, and need to get my life together a bit. Spring break is much needed, so my goal is to not waste it. I have only six days of class left... wait... five because today is practically over. I can do this... I can do this...

This was just kind of a venting post I suppose... Life is good, just hard, just got to keep pushing forward... =)