So, I think it has been established that I am an awful blogger... I can't even keep up with blogging once a week.... Anywho, right now I'm at my friend Caity's house. And I'm typing this on her MACBOOK PRO. I want one so terribly bad. I'm saving up for one... about half way there! Yay! We were planning on going swimming, but the sun decided that he didn't wanna show himself today... oh wells. We went anyway. Now we are just chilling in her room and listening to music. Right now the music of choice is "There She Goes" performed by Sixpence None the Richer. Listen!!!
Another good one of their songs is called "Kiss Me." This one I like much better... and they actually wrote this one. Listen Again!!!
Well I could ramble on about music for hours... but I don't really have the time haha. I don't really have a whole lot to say right now... so I'm going to sign off. More updates later!
=) You and music....inseparable!