Monday, August 15, 2011

Summer of Changes

Well I haven't written a blogpost in over a month... Like I said I'm really bad about doing this. Anywho, I happen to have some time to spare... maybe not, but I'd like to get some thoughts out.

The last 6 months of my life have been some of the most painful, heart wrenching, and hard months of my life.... but they have been some of the most beautiful. This has been one of my best summers... one of my favorites. And the number one reason for that you ask? God. I have discovered the friendship of Jesus Christ and it is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. Now this friendship has been a journey and even sometimes a struggle... I am by no means a perfect friend, however, his unconditional love continues to amaze me.

God definitely has a wonderful plan for my life. Do I know what it is? Nope! Another piece is reveled everyday... and it is an exciting adventure. He has brought so many people and so many experiences into my life without me even realizing the impact that they would have on me.

Let's talk about friends. I have some of the strongest and best friendships of my life at this point. They are friends that will do anything for me and aren't afraid to call me out if I am doing something stupid... I have realized that my best friendships are the ones rooted in Christ. We are all striving for virtue. We may be at different parts of our own journey, but we are all following the same path. Each and every day, I am learning to become a better friend. To place myself second. "To love rather than to be loved." (I love the prayer of St. Francis).

So, now I am getting ready to go off to college... a BIG change. It makes me kind of nervous thinking about it. For the first time in my life I am going to be living on my own without my parents as a safety net. I have the looming pressure in the back of my mind that is making me second-guess my major. A lot of my best friends won't be coming with me. And I leave in two days.

...It's a lot to take in. One of my dear friends has a new quote that she lives by: Pray, hope, and don't worry. ~Padre Pio.

That's what I need to do now. Let God take control... because I am really not alone. I have Him there every second along the way. Now I have to just make sure I always remember that.

So now I feel as if I am rambling haha... Honestly, I should get back to packing. I have a lot to do... and never feels as if there is enough time.

I will end with another quote that I absolutely love.

God is like a parachute. he will save you when you fall, but you have to jump to fell Him carrying you. 

1 comment:

  1. I will miss you this semester!!! But God will bring us so many abundant joys and blessings, and we will meet each other in His Heart!
