Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Thoughts that come about while doing the wonderfully exciting task... a thing people call... Laundry.

So... I'm just sitting here waiting for my laundry to be done... I'm also sitting here with my art history book in my lap but I am avoiding reading it... And the perfect way to do that is by writing a blog.

A friend got me thinking the other day. I was really stressed out about some of my classes... I was overreacting and forgetting to trust. She sent me this text... And what I will show you is a little modified so it can apply to everyone and not just me:

"You have time to figure this out and don't have to find your purpose right away. God may have a reason for not revealing it his will to you right now."

Like I said... that got me thinking. And there are two specific things I got from it. 1. A reminder that God has reason for everything. 2. Patience is key in discerning his will.

Life shouldn't be easy. If it was easy... I dare to say it would be a lot less boring. Challenges make us better people, and pain (as much as it hurts) can make us stronger. Persevering through tough times can do so many good things for you. I've really come to understand that quite recently. And if I hadn't gone through those tough times, I wouldn't have overcome some of my demons. So it may be strange for some to hear this, but I'm glad I went through that time of struggle. It became a time of growth, a time of growth that I really truly needed.

Another friend told me about another analogy that I really like: Our spiritual life is like climbing up a waterfall. Sometimes the climb is really easy... the path is covered by slippery rocks or dangerous rapids. But sometimes, it is quite the opposite. You slip. You fall. You feel like you can't go on. But if you preserver. The view at the top is one of the most beautiful views you have ever seen in your life. (I suppose this analogy could work with climbing a mountain as well).

The journey of life is a crazy one. It is a crazy beautiful and wonderfully confusing one. But that is how I like it and as it should be.

Perhaps God is calling me to be patient in this time of stress... to persevere... to not give up so quickly. Waiting is not a bad thing. Good things come to those who wait. I know with God at my side everything will work itself out in the end... now if only I can remember that along the way. =P

1 comment:

  1. How true! God puts us all through crazy things, and sometimes, if may not even be until a few months or years later-maybe not until we reach Heaven-that we see just why things happen the way that they do! So have no anxiety, and be at peace with His will! Even in the times of craziness. Especially in the times of craziness!
